Terra Reporting’s ESG Operating System - A Closer Look at Our Sustainable Architecture

In our previous blog post, we explored three distinct approaches to delivering an ESG reporting solution. Terra Reporting has adopted the third approach, a pre-built solution on a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) model. Today, we're going to take a closer look at the Terra Reporting ESG reporting solution and its architecture, which aligns with this strategic choice.

Let's demystify our solution's structure using an analogy many find familiar — constructing a Lego car — to illustrate how our architecture builds up, layer by layer.

Layer 1 – The Infrastructure and Tools

The base plate in a Lego set is the foundational piece that supports all subsequent construction. Similarly, our robust cloud foundation, hosted on Microsoft Azure, provides the secure, reliable, and scalable infrastructure (servers, storage, network) critical for ESG reporting.

The diverse Lego bricks in various sizes and colors correspond to the suite of standard and generic Microsoft tools (such as Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Fabric, Microsoft Purview, and Microsoft Power BI) that we utilize as the building blocks for our solution. For those already in the Microsoft ecosystem, these tools will be familiar and trusted companions.

Together, these components form our PaaS layer – a versatile collection of tools ready to create any business application.

Layer 2 – The Standard and Pre-Built Core Offering

Next comes our standard Lego car — a pre-assembled model that represents Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability. It's a ready-to-use structure that serves as a starting point, equipped with essential functionalities for ESG reporting. This pre-built solution aligns with standard business needs, much like a standard car off the assembly line meets most drivers' typical requirements.

Layer 3 – Modular Extensions by Terra Reporting

Although the standard Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability solution offers you a very good starting point, it doesn’t necessarily meet all your requirements. This is where Terra Reporting comes into play. We offer modular, plug-and-play extensions on top of the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability solution (built leveraging the same building blocks).

All the extensions we build in this layer are generic (reusable across multiple customers) and continuously evolve with the market’s needs. One of the initial extensions we created is a Double Materiality Assessment solution.

What’s more, you don’t necessarily have to buy everything as of day one. These add-ons can be added gradually as your business grows, your maturity increases, and your ESG reporting needs become more sophisticated. The standard Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability solution and the Terra Reporting extensions work seamlessly together, and combined, they offer one of the most complete ESG reporting solutions in the market.

Before moving on to the final layer, let’s return to our Lego analogy for a moment. Imagine that you want to take your family on a road trip, but the standard car you purchased doesn’t offer enough space to store all your luggage. Well, luckily, there are vendors that sell compatible boxes that you can easily attach to the car’s roof. Or why not buy an entire caravan? All are built leveraging the same standard Lego bricks…

Layer 4 – Customization for Unique Requirements

The final touch is about personalization. If you have unique requirements, or in our Lego example, you need your car to stand out, we offer bespoke solutions. Our open platform allows for unique customizations to meet any specific requirements, much like transforming a standard Lego car into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

And because everything is created leveraging the same standard building blocks, the required competencies for building these custom extensions are broadly available in the market. Whether it’s through your own IT department, Terra Reporting’s specialists, or any qualified Microsoft system integrator, we can adapt and extend the solution with new features that cater precisely to your needs.

Conclusion – The Best of Both Worlds

Through this approach, Terra Reporting offers a solution that marries the efficiency of a modular (out-of-the-box) approach with the customizability of a tailor-made solution. This strategy ensures a resilient, adaptable platform, ready to meet the dynamic needs of ESG reporting as they evolve.

Stay tuned for our next article, where we'll showcase how Terra Reporting and Microsoft distinguish themselves in the ESG reporting landscape, empowering your sustainability efforts to be as effective and seamless as possible.


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